Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tuesday May 29, 2007

I've been quite worn out lately, so I slept in late today. Fed animals, then hiked a mile up to a neighbor's house to ask for help pulling our two trucks and the horse trailer out of the mud we have gotten the ALL stuck in this week. He said he'd come down after work.

We are trying a new Foal Monitoring system to help us be present at births without having to stay up all night for days on end. It requires suchering transmitters to the mares' vulva's. We put these in 2 weeks ago and in both our mares they were destroyed - looks like we put them in too tight. I called the vet and he said he would re-do them if we could get he mares to him tonight, which requires our trailer. I told him I would try to get there once (if) we got the vehicles out of the mud.

Our neighbor, Evan, came down to help about 4:30pm. He had a duelly (very good in mud) and we put chains on all tires but still almost got him stuck trying to pull our Chevy out. He and Dave worked for 2 hours getting the two trucks out of the mud, only to get the Dodge stuck again (we left it - the Chevy is the most important truck right now). Then they worked another hour and a half getting the trailer out, only to find that there was no way to do that except to go right through a large (luckily dead) tree. They got out the chainsaw to cut down the tree, but our big chainsaw got run over by a truck this winter and we only have a small one, which couldn't do the job. They eventually switched to an ax and just chopped the thing down, then drove the trailer out over the stump.

By this time it was far too late to get to the vet. I talked to him and he said he would leave the equipment out for me at his office and I could try to do it myself. So Dave and I went down to town to pick up those supplies, only to find that one (essential) thing was left out of the bag. I will have to go to town again tomorrow to get that last piece, then we will try to stitch these transmitters into the mares ourselves.

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