Saturday, June 9, 2007

Saturday June 9, 2007

Aud worked outside on the fence much of the day, making good progress. The farrier came and put shoes on Flicka and Cami. We moved Chance and Ghost to a pen by the big barn so we could work with them and groomed up Chance. Did some work with the electric shaver to get his winter coat remnants off. He was great.

Kept the little goat kid with a cold in the stall with the heat lamp for some of the day. Gave him antibiotics as well as giving them to Chico, who is also coughing.

Saw that Flicka had milk in her bag and decided to put her with the birthing mothers to keep an eye on her. We have her due date as being in Aug. so we were sure she couldn't be this early, but she sure looks like she's ready.

As we tucked the mares in and checked everyone's milk this evening we found that Flicka's milk is white. This usually means she is going to birth tonight. Karen and I took her down to the vet stocks and installed a foalert transmitter in her. We set up the birth stall and put her in there, gave her warm bran mash and tucked her in. Then I went in and looked at my records of when she gave birth last year to see if it is at all possible that she is ready tonight. The earliest possible date she could have gotten pregnant makes this only 310 days pregnant - far too early. My vet is on vacation, so I called the back-up he had. He told me to get Flicka to town immediately and get an ultrasound done at Blue Mountain clinic. But when I called them they said she was probably aborting right now and there was nothing to do but let her (that's typical of them).

The thing is, she doesn't seem distressed about anything. She seems FINE. She seems normal. I get no energy that there is anything wrong at all. In fact, she doesn't seem particularly ready to brith, either. I have a camera on her and the folert transmitter in. If anything starts I will know it. This may be a long night.

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