We've had a few beautiful, sunny days, though its been quite cold. Bellow 0 at night and often in the teens during the day. Yesterday it got up to 30, however, and that was nice. Creeks are freezing up, so I am on ax duty already - going out twice a day to break ice.
Still working out the kinks in the new fencing for Ryder. Yesterday we came out to find him in with his mares (the pasture across from his new fence) and there was no damaged fencing anywhere. All we can think of is that the boy jumped right over the whole thing! I looked more closely and saw that the workers had put up only 3 rails in a few spots (we had asked that this be a 4-rail, 6+ foot fence). I am guessing he jumped at one of those. I will go out tomorrow and affix a fourth rail and we will see how this fence does!
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