Monday, December 11, 2006

Saturday Decmeber 9, 2006

Last few days have been without incident. Fed myself and moved the momma and daddy bunnies into the house. The bunnies aren't doing so well with the one watering I can give them outside per day and their water freezes within about half an hour, so if I don't feed more than once, they only get the one drink. They wont make it that way, so I am moving the two parents indoors and we will slaughter the others soon. Parents are in separate cages and are loving all the scraps of vegetables and dinner left overs they get by being right here.

Also, was offered four peacocks who needed a home. Took them in and put them in the little greenhouse until I get the big greenhouse closed up tight (there is a hole in one wall and these guys need to be enclosed until they adjust to the area or they will go away). 2 1-year-olds and 2 6-month-olds. Very pretty. A male and female of each, I think. I really like them.

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