Dave when up to the ranch today to get Ryder and bring him to town. He has to do some AI breeding this week and I usually wait to get the call that the mare is ready and rush him down the mountain for that. Knew we couldn't do that, so we took him to the vet and will leave him there until the AI work is done. May leave him longer as well. I am going to have some family and friends helping me these next few weeks until I can walk normally again, and I don't want anyone else to have to deal with the stallion if he were to get out or something.
Poor Dave got to the ranch, discovered that the house was freezing and had to split wood and build a fire. Then he tied Ryder up and got the trailer ready and Ryder untied himself and went waltzing around the year. With Dave's tendon injury and his ankle in a cast, he had a hard time catching up with him and getting him in the trailer. Then the turkey attacked Ryder and freaked him out. Then Rajah and a neighbor dog followed him to town and he had to put them in the truck and take them with him. Dave finally got him to town and as Ryder jumped out of the trailer he landed on Dave's foot. The whole trip took 5 hours.
I am doing much better today. Able to sit and stand up on my own for the first time. Will head home tomorrow for my birthday!
Had two baby goats born today!
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