I made it through February. That is usually the hardest month of the year. This year it was much harder than usual. All month I have been just telling myself, "Get through February and everything is down hill from there." (Not that March is much different weather wise really, but it feels like it should be spring, so it is somehow easier) In any case, I think we will make it through this winter after all.
Dave woke me up today and told me he had already done the feeding (I can't tell you what a treat THAT was). We went to town together and saw a movie, then I spent the afternoon with my nieces.
Temps down around zero at night still. Around 30 during the day. Got another inch of snow.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday February 27, 2006
Dave and I worked with Big Red for some time today. Haltered him and taught him how to lead. Then just walked him around and fussed over him. Took pictures (a client had requested updated pictures of him). I've decided that he needs some regular handling like that. He is not scared of people - one of the easier to handle horses here. But he is so mellow that he is at the bottom of the totem pole in the youngster pack (even though he is by far the biggest). And, with his mom gone, he gets pushed around a lot. I think his confidence will suffer if I don't build it up through time with people. Will try to do that once a week.
Did four bales in Big Barn pasture and four in Back 20 today. The horses left some in both pastures yesterday - at almost all of the food, but not quite. So I think they don't need the extra as much anymore. Will cut back to 3 bales in the back 20 5 days per week and 4 bales 2 days per week. Will probably keep the extra in the Big Barn because with all the growing and with Blackie (old and doesn't keep weight as easily anymore) and with Nefertari (9 months pregnant) I would rather have a little waste than risk not getting them everything they need.
We're walking to the back pasture every day - I think that's good for us. My goose suitor comes along most days.
Temps in the 30's during the day but getting down to single didgets at night. A little snow each day.
Did four bales in Big Barn pasture and four in Back 20 today. The horses left some in both pastures yesterday - at almost all of the food, but not quite. So I think they don't need the extra as much anymore. Will cut back to 3 bales in the back 20 5 days per week and 4 bales 2 days per week. Will probably keep the extra in the Big Barn because with all the growing and with Blackie (old and doesn't keep weight as easily anymore) and with Nefertari (9 months pregnant) I would rather have a little waste than risk not getting them everything they need.
We're walking to the back pasture every day - I think that's good for us. My goose suitor comes along most days.
Temps in the 30's during the day but getting down to single didgets at night. A little snow each day.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Monday February 26, 2007
Dave got called by Amazon.com about a job today. Has an interview tomorrow.
We spent most of the day cleaning and organizing the garage. Then fed. Fed four bales in big barn (rather than 6) and four (one extra) in back pasture. Want to make sure everyone gets the extra they need as they go into spring.
Snowed most of the day. Hovered right bellow freezing.
We spent most of the day cleaning and organizing the garage. Then fed. Fed four bales in big barn (rather than 6) and four (one extra) in back pasture. Want to make sure everyone gets the extra they need as they go into spring.
Snowed most of the day. Hovered right bellow freezing.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sunday February 25, 2007
Snowed all day today. Beautiful. Dave and I started walking to the back pastures to feed, rather than driving, in an effort to start getting in better shape. We gave pregnancy shots to all the mares and worming meds to all the horses before feeding. Still putting out double the food for babies right now - 6 bales. I think they need the extra this time of year.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Thursday February 22,2007
Low 30's and cloudy all day. Started snowing heavily this evening.
Maya looks like Frankenstein dog - she had some lumps removed form her back and has stitches all over.
On of the geese has decided that I should be its mate, I think. He follows me everywhere, even out into the pastures. And yesterday when another male goose came up to me at feeding time, he went after him the way a male reacts to a rival. Charged him, screaming, and clamped onto his feathers. Spun him around in circles for 30 seconds before letting him go. Came away with a whole mouthful of feathers, proudly brought them over and laid them at my feet. I'm a bit worried about the whole thing. I mean, I really like him and all. Just not in that way.
We moved horses today. Brought Blackie and all the babies into the Big Barn pasture. Had to take a pick to two gates to get them open enough for horses to come through. Picked through about 2 inches of solid ice. Ended up letting the horses run through the yard, then herding them into the paddock. Was a bit of a feasco, but got them moved at least.
Maya looks like Frankenstein dog - she had some lumps removed form her back and has stitches all over.
On of the geese has decided that I should be its mate, I think. He follows me everywhere, even out into the pastures. And yesterday when another male goose came up to me at feeding time, he went after him the way a male reacts to a rival. Charged him, screaming, and clamped onto his feathers. Spun him around in circles for 30 seconds before letting him go. Came away with a whole mouthful of feathers, proudly brought them over and laid them at my feet. I'm a bit worried about the whole thing. I mean, I really like him and all. Just not in that way.
We moved horses today. Brought Blackie and all the babies into the Big Barn pasture. Had to take a pick to two gates to get them open enough for horses to come through. Picked through about 2 inches of solid ice. Ended up letting the horses run through the yard, then herding them into the paddock. Was a bit of a feasco, but got them moved at least.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Wednesday February 21, 2007
We were both exhausted today, starting to get sick. Gave the bunnies and birds all fresh straw and restocked feed bins. Moved 500 lbs of grain into bird's area. Getting mama bunny ready to have her babies, if she is pregnant.
Tuesday February 20, 2007
Dave worked all morning finishing the barn, then took Maya to the vet. Worked in the house all evening and we stayed up late applying for jobs.
Monday February 19, 2007
Dave and I worked about 2 hours in the barn today, shoveling gunk. Moved back pasture feeding to the lower part of the middle 20 and back 20.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Sunday February 18, 2007
Yesterday Dave fed by himself and I spent all day babysitting my niece. It always takes me a few days to recover from that. I slept till 4pm today (that's late, even for me!) and I feel like I got hit by a truck still. But its worth it to spend time with the kids.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Thursday February 15, 2007
I woke up at 4am because of the dogs barking and felt good and awake. Got up and worked in my office until 8. Went back to bed for a couple hours. Rained all day. Got the feeding done without incident.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Wednesday February 14, 2007
Rajah is not doing very well. It makes me sad. He doesn't want to run along with us when we drive to the far pasture to feed anymore - always wants to ride in the car. And he doesn't get out when we get there. Doesn't stay outside with me as I work around the ranch. Tries to come out, but then limps back in. Clearly in pain a lot and not very happy. There doesn't seem to be much I can do, other than set up a comfy dog bed in the back seat of the car and let him come along whenever he can that way.
We're feeding as normal this week. All is quiet.
We're feeding as normal this week. All is quiet.
Tuesday February 13, 2007
Still having a very hard time with February. We do a couple hours a day on Dave's job search, but its largely a waiting game and I am not good at waiting. We do the feeding every day, and today we got our taxes together.
The two foster dogs went to other foster homes this weekend. Decided with the job uncertainty that we had enough on our plate.
Just waiting to see what will come and trying to plug through the last of winter.
The two foster dogs went to other foster homes this weekend. Decided with the job uncertainty that we had enough on our plate.
Just waiting to see what will come and trying to plug through the last of winter.
Saturday February 10, 2007
Farrier came in morning and we spent about 4 hours getting all the horses trimmed. I groomed all the adult horses as we did that. After the trimming we went down the hill to pick up some clients who wanted to see our stallions. We showed them around, had a nice time. Took them back down the hill and visited Bug's kids for a bit.
Monday February 12, 2007
Went to feed today and horses were out. Found a place where they had broken a wooden fence. Fixed it and got them back in easily. No big deal.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Wednesday February 7, 2007
This has been a hard week. And today was a very hard day. With Dave being laid off, we suspect that he will have to move back to Chicago for a while to find a job. That is hard enough, but mostly I just don't like not knowing.
In terms of looking on the bright side, though... I was telling Dave how overwhelmed I was about all the spring work that has to be done at the ranch soon - trenching, fencing, cleaning up a winter's worth of poop. This will be the first spring we can't afford to hire someone. Then he pointed out that in three days he will be unemployed and can work full time on the ranch until we find him a job. That was actually a huge relief to me.
Took Rajah to the vet today because he has been in so much pain lately. Looks like he had a broken toe at some point and it healed wrong. Plus he has arthritis. This week he stays behind when I ride horses and sits in the truck when I feed. He just hurts all the time and seems so unhappy. I don't know what to do for him. I sit with him every night and tell him I love him and that he is my loyal companion and has never failed me and he is the best dog anyone ever had. But that's all I seem to be able to do.
In terms of looking on the bright side, though... I was telling Dave how overwhelmed I was about all the spring work that has to be done at the ranch soon - trenching, fencing, cleaning up a winter's worth of poop. This will be the first spring we can't afford to hire someone. Then he pointed out that in three days he will be unemployed and can work full time on the ranch until we find him a job. That was actually a huge relief to me.
Took Rajah to the vet today because he has been in so much pain lately. Looks like he had a broken toe at some point and it healed wrong. Plus he has arthritis. This week he stays behind when I ride horses and sits in the truck when I feed. He just hurts all the time and seems so unhappy. I don't know what to do for him. I sit with him every night and tell him I love him and that he is my loyal companion and has never failed me and he is the best dog anyone ever had. But that's all I seem to be able to do.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Monday February 5, 2007
Global Warming. That's what everyone says this is. It was 50 degrees today. I took Cami out for a short ride, just getting her going again. All is well here. Am falling more in love with Ace, the one year old dog we are fostering. He is really gentle and kind and he longs for a person more than any dog I've met.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Sunday February 4, 2007
Rajah is not doing well these days. He shakes and is in pain a lot. Wants to be with me when I feed but is not always up to running along. We have made a bed for him in the back seat of the truck and we take him along that way. We're doing what we can for him.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Thursday February 1, 2007
Snowed a lot today - beautiful snow pouring down from the sky. We got about half a foot, maybe more. Beautiful. I went out and worked a bit and enjoyed it. Dave and I took our sleds to the top of the driveway and tried to race each other down, but the snow was too deep and fluffy to get going very fast, so he ended up just pulling me around for the fun of it.
Fed animals today. It only got up to about 15 degrees and is around zero now, so it is certainly cold. Had to do ice and feed. I fed horses on my own, then Dave helped me (after work) feed the other critters.
Yesterday we took on two dogs from a local rescue who desperately needed foster homes until they could be adopted out. We are putting them in our dog pen (six foot mesh fencing) and not bringing them in the house. It is hard. One of them is old and has always been only outside (Thor - a great Pyrenees) but the other is a really lovable, playful one year old. Beautiful boxer type dog. He sits all day and stares at our window, trying to catch a glimpse of us. He needs a person badly and it broke my heart for him to watch me leave his pen after playing with him this evening, take my dogs and go inside. I could feel him cry out that he didn't understand why nobody loved him enough to make him an indoor dog. Ugh.
I'm trying not to let him break my heart. We drug a very heavy dog house that has sat in the barn for a few years over to his pen with a sled. He has shelter, though he doesn't seem to need or want it. He has lots of room to run but no other young puppy like animals to play with him.
Oh, and the biggest news of all - Dave found out yesterday that his employers are terminating all contractors. As of Feb. 9 he has no job.
All I can say is we will see what comes. It would break my heart to loose this ranch.
Fed animals today. It only got up to about 15 degrees and is around zero now, so it is certainly cold. Had to do ice and feed. I fed horses on my own, then Dave helped me (after work) feed the other critters.
Yesterday we took on two dogs from a local rescue who desperately needed foster homes until they could be adopted out. We are putting them in our dog pen (six foot mesh fencing) and not bringing them in the house. It is hard. One of them is old and has always been only outside (Thor - a great Pyrenees) but the other is a really lovable, playful one year old. Beautiful boxer type dog. He sits all day and stares at our window, trying to catch a glimpse of us. He needs a person badly and it broke my heart for him to watch me leave his pen after playing with him this evening, take my dogs and go inside. I could feel him cry out that he didn't understand why nobody loved him enough to make him an indoor dog. Ugh.
I'm trying not to let him break my heart. We drug a very heavy dog house that has sat in the barn for a few years over to his pen with a sled. He has shelter, though he doesn't seem to need or want it. He has lots of room to run but no other young puppy like animals to play with him.
Oh, and the biggest news of all - Dave found out yesterday that his employers are terminating all contractors. As of Feb. 9 he has no job.
All I can say is we will see what comes. It would break my heart to loose this ranch.
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