Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Wedensday January 3, 2007

I am worn out but feeling better. Dave is still pretty sick but better enough to try and work today (we can hardly afford for him not to). Jarred is feeding, so I can rest a bit. Have been working on sending out 250 newsletters and promotional calenders to clients. Want each to have a personal note, so its taking a while.

The weather this year is the strangest anyone has ever seen up here. It keeps getting warm again. New Year's Day it was 5 degrees when I came home at 9am (not uncommon for this time of year) and it was in the 30's when I went to bed (very strange). Was 42 last night when I went to bed. Is cooler, a bit, and snowing hard right now. But this up and down has been happening all winter. We'll get a normal few days - night temps near zero or bellow and day in the low 20's - and then it will jump up to the 30's and 40's. No one's seen this before. Its making the road very bad. It warms up just long enough for the top layer of snow to melt, then drops so it can freeze. Much of the road is 2-3 inches of ice. Never seen the like. We have had to put chains on the truck more this winter then in all the other years combined.

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